FAQ Get a Mixed Feed!

RSS Mixer is a simple way to combine multiple RSS feeds into one single feed. Sign up »

Pre-sale questions? Contact us: support@rssmixer.com

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does it cost to use RSSMixer.com?

It's very important to us that our service is affordable. To that end, we offer a 10-day free-trial and low cost plans.

Basic Plan Pro Plan Expert Plan
5 Mixed Feeds
Every Other Hour
10 Mixed Feeds
Updated Hourly
30 Mixed Feeds
Updated Hourly
10 Source URLs
Per Mixed Feed
15 Source URLs
Per Mixed Feed
20 Source URLs
Per Mixed Feed
$2.00 / Month
Paid Annually
$4.00 / Month
Paid Annually
$8.00 / Month
Paid Annually

Pre-sale questions? Contact us: support@rssmixer.com

Is RSS Mixer a feed reader?

No. RSS Mixer is less a feed reader and more a feed publisher. We take multiple RSS feeds and create a new combined version of all those feeds. Many feeds; one address. That's the idea.

Why use RSS Mixer if it is not a reader?

There are many use cases of combined feeds. One of them is use with a feed reader. We recommend RSS Feed Aggregator, but you are free to use our feeds however you want. They are compatible with many services.

Whether it be for following a news topic, running a social media account, or overcoming a unique software limitation. We've found you either need RSSMixer.com or you don't.

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